hi :) im starting this website to have a little place to document my life preferably free from the insanity that is my small town.... this wont be a super big project by any means, i just needed somewhere to post my ramblings & my art

a little bit about me..

im 15, born febuary 08 ! currently im living in small town ontario, although i so badly want to get the hell outta here and see the world (vancouver, oregon, sweden, & spain r some of my bucket list places..)
i love crocheting and generally artistic things like visal arts and baking. ceramics, oil pastels & freeform crochet are some of my favourite artistic mediums ! i will probably post some of my oil pastel art & crochet on here soon so stay tuned!!!

my favourites

→ flowers : snapdragons & delphiniums
→ animals : cats (specifically norwegian forest cats)
→ season : fall
→ colours : green, orange, purple, blue
→ artists : Ted Harrison & Van Gogh

OH AND i have two cats sasha and ryker, they are my best friends literally ever and i love them so much!!
